Today let’s meet Omar Zaghouani, a Cassiopae support consultant and a volunteer for DH-Foundation.

“Omar, why DH-Foundation?

I got involved in the project because I like helping young people and I believe that everyone deserves to fulfil their potential. Thanks to DH-Foundation, we give this opportunity to children and young people in Africa who, without us, might not have access to education and digital. I am highly motivated by the idea of being able to contribute, even in a small way, to improving their lives and their future.

What are the good reasons to get involved in DH-Foundation?

I got involved for many reasons. First of all, I believe that all children have the right to a quality education, no matter where they live.

Secondly, I am moved by the situation of children and young people in Africa who have little or no access to education and digital, and I want to contribute to the improvement of their lives and their future by offering them the same opportunities as those who live in more privileged environments. I am also convinced that DH-Foundation can make a real difference in the lives of these children and young people.

Finally, I want to participate in a collective effort to build a fairer and more equitable world.

What do you get out of these humanitarian actions?

I am deeply moved by these actions. Whenever I have the opportunity to help someone who needs it, I am happy to do so. It gives me great satisfaction to know that I have helped improve someone’s life.

These humanitarian actions remind me how connected we all are and how important it is to care for one another.

This commitment also teaches me the importance of generosity and compassion, and how rewarding it is to give your time to help others. I do realize all I have. I am grateful to the DH-Foundation team for this opportunity and hope to continue helping for a long time.”